+39 329 1644373  info@rome-gidsrondleidingen.nl

The Capitolium: the smallest of the seven mythical hills, but at the same time the most important hill of original Rome! Strategically of great importance, it became the site of the Temple of Jupiter, the Senate building, the Tabularium (Roman archives 1st century BC), and the current Palazzo Nuovo (Michelangelo) and Palazzo Senatorio, with the famous square (Michelangelo) and the staircase.
Inside there are classical sculptures, such as the famous bronze Etruscan She-wolf with Romulus and Remus, the marble head of Emperor Constantine, the bronze Spinario and the Venus of the Esquiline, Bernini’s Medusa, the bronze equestrian statue of
Marcus Aurelius, the red marble Faun found in Tivoli, the Discobolus and much more. And further 16th and 17th century decorations and painting by Guercino, Caravaggio, Titian, Rubens, Tintoretto and “our” Antonie van Dijk and Caspar van Wittel. Finally, a beautiful view of the Roman Forum.

A gem of a tour!

Practical information
Duration: 2 hours.
Fee (excl. entrance fee*):
Group tour: € 28 p.p.
Private tour: € 135 total
Praktical advice: comfortable walking clothes
Meeting point: Piazza Campidoglio, near the bronze equestrian statue

* Indication entrance fee (price changes and exhibition supplements are not my responsibility):
–  €12 adult
–  children/teachers free/reduction

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